Tag Archives: new stories

Stories: Two Not So Different Tales

I realize I haven’t posted to Somewhat True Lies in a long while, and I feel a bit guilty. Not that I don’t have a good reason, but the guilt is there nonetheless.  I have been (slowly) working on a story called What Happens in the Boat Stays in the Boat—about a group of merchant marines who escape some undescribed calamity at sea and take to a lifeboat.  I don’t know how it will end myself, I just thought it was a concept I’ve never tried.


To be released alongside Boat is a classic science fiction story about yet another group of characters marooned on their pieced-together spacecraft.  I’m toying with the idea of either connecting them in some way (the survivors on the boat see the Twin Sisters–the name of the spacecraft and the story itself—as it is damaged and floats away in the dark sky; or perhaps coming across one of the emergency escape pods..?) OR simply ending the stories in a similar way.  Recently, I’ve been reading a lot of H.P. Lovecraft, which does not help in my decisions about how to end both stories…


Stay tuned, same place.  Same channel. Etc.

